India is a country where women beg for respect on the pretext of motherhood.

Women in our country get less punishment than men despite committing more heinous crimes.

India has commissions for animals, women, disabled, but not for men.

Crores of rupees are allocated every year in the name of women development but no one thinks about men.

Political parties are wooing women for vote bank.

There is no specific department for filing complaints of physical and mental abuse by women against men.

India’s legal system is woman-centric and anti-male.

We (AVIJAN WELFARE AND CHARITABLE TRUST) work across the state on men’s rights.

Our organization is making the common people aware about men’s rights in every district of the state by doing various activities by distributing leaflets, road meetings, marches etc.

Legal advisors of our organization provide free legal advice to men.

Our Demands:
•Formation of Men’s Welfare Ministry
•Formation of National Commission of MEN.
• Punishment for misuse of the provisions of the dowry law by default in case the complaint / case if found false.
• Workplace harassment legal framework should be made gender neutral.
• Gender Neutrality in laws
• Equal Punishment For Law Misusers